happy senior couple smiling for selfie

Top Dental Concerns for Seniors

While the basics of dental hygiene are the same at every age—brushing, flossing & healthy eating habits—risks and concerns for older adults are different than younger adults and kids.

Young woman with dental braces

How Braces Work

Braces are such a common treatment, we take it for granted that everyone knows how they work. However, we've realized that it may not be that obvious how this clever system of brackets and wires…

Young woman white teeth big smile

How Effective Is Whitening Toothpaste?

The number of teeth whitening options available to patients just seems to grow and grow. With so many products and treatments available, it’s hard to know which are the most effective.

woman pointing to her teeth closeup

How Your Teeth Got Their Names

When you visit the dentist, especially if you're getting work done, such as a dental crown, you may hear dentists talking in a strange combination of names and numbers when describing locations in…

Close-up Of A Young African Woman Brushing Teeth With Electric Toothbrush

What Causes Gum Recession

You may have heard of receding gums, but still need to know how to prevent it and what causes it. Many people first notice gum recession when their teeth start looking longer than they used to.

Top Tips for Keeping Stains Off Your Teeth

No matter where you live or what kind of lifestyle you enjoy, chances are you have a habit that could stain your teeth. Whether you’re a coffee lover, a tea enthusiast, or a red wine connoisseur,…

Who Is the American Dental Association Anyway?

Most of us have seen them: little boxes on the sides of toothpaste, toothbrushes, and packets of dental floss that have the words “ADA Accepted” on them. ADA stands for the American Dental Associate,…

You Might Be Brushing Your Teeth Wrong

Brushing your teeth is such a routine habit that you may forget that there’s a right and a wrong way to do it. But proper brushing is super important for preventing tooth decay and gum disease! Here…

Dry Mouth Isn’t Just Unpleasant…It Can Cause Tooth Decay!

A dry mouth is a uniquely uncomfortable feeling and should not be dismissed as a trivial issue for one very important reason: a dry mouth can make it more likely that you’ll get tooth decay! The…

You Can Still Get Cavities on a Paleo Diet!

The paleo diet is a nutritional lifestyle that only includes the types of foods that paleolithic humans (a.k.a. cavemen) had access to. Among many other health benefits, many people who advocate for…