pregnant woman with healthy teeth

How Pregnancy Can Affect Your Oral Health

Among the many changes that women experience in their bodies when they become pregnant, changes to their oral health may be among the most surprising and perplexing.

using oil pulling to prevent tooth decay

The Truth About Oil Pulling

Among the many health fads and rumors going around the web, oil pulling is one that we dentists get asked about a lot. The question is, does oil pulling really prevent tooth decay?

hollywood hating on root canals

Why Hollywood Needs to Stop Hating on Root Canals

Root canals have a bad reputation they don't deserve and we think Hollywood is to blame. Movies and television shows often portray root canal therapy as a painful and frightening procedure. The truth…

You Can Still Get Cavities on a Paleo Diet!

The paleo diet is a nutritional lifestyle that only includes the types of foods that paleolithic humans (a.k.a. cavemen) had access to. Among many other health benefits, many people who advocate for…


The Zen of Brushing Your Teeth

In the daily rush of modern life it can be hard to find time to care for yourself, and this includes taking appropriate care of your smile. Brushing and flossing your teeth properly each day is vital…

You Might Be Brushing Your Teeth Wrong

Brushing your teeth is such a routine habit that you may forget that there's a right and a wrong way to do it. But proper brushing is super important for preventing tooth decay and gum disease!

woman bad at brushing teeth

Even More Ways You're Brushing Your Teeth Wrong

As something we all do every day, it might be surprising that many people do not brush their teeth correctly. While doing it wrong is a lot better than not doing it at all, brushing your teeth…

cheese prevents tooth decay

Strengthen Your Teeth With Cheese

As a dental patient, you may be more used to hearing which foods are bad for your teeth rather than good for them. While we all should know that acidic foods or foods high in sugar are bad for your…

bad habits cause toothaches

Three Bad Habits That Are Terrible for Your Teeth

Anyone who has been around babies and toddlers knows that tiny humans use their mouths to learn about their surroundings. For the most part, using our mouths to explore is something that we grow out…

children and sealants effectiveness

Sealants Really Do Prevent Tooth Decay

Sealants have long been a routine part of preventive dental care for children. Since at least the 1970s, sealants have been placed on children's teeth in order to prevent cavities and decay.