Sports Dentistry, Mouthguards and More!

Sports dentistry is a relatively new field in dentistry, with several slightly different definitions that tend to agree on one main focus: the prevention and treatment of dental and oral injuries…

Not Just the Tooth Fairy: Dental Traditions for Kids

The Tooth Fairy is an important tool to help kids cope with the potentially scary experience of losing their baby teeth. Despite being a relatively recent creation—with the earliest printed record of…

Children Should Develop Good Dental Care Habits Early. Here's Why.

You should value dental hygiene in your children for the same reasons you value it in yourself. Regularly brushing and flossing keeps your mouth clean and helps prevent tooth decay. Eating well…

Acid Reflux? Your Dentist May Know it Before You Do

Acid Reflux is a common ailment caused by stomach acid flowing up out of the stomach and into the esophagus. This backwash, or acid reflux, can irritate the lining of your esophagus and cause…

What Goes Into Your Dentist's Degree and License?

It could take more than eight years of education to earn a DDS or DMD degree and dental license. But that’s a good thing, because that extended education is how you know you can trust your dentist to…

Woman talking to dentist

How Often Do You Need to See a Dentist?

Some say once a year, some say twice a year. The real answer to how many dentist appointments you need is not what you might expect!

Woman looking in mirror

Get in the Habit to Floss With These Methods

Flossing is an important part of any at-home oral hygiene routine. But it’s also a source of anxiety, pain, and even shame. Instead of dreading the inevitable “floss talk” from your dentist, try…

Family history and dental health

Family History and Your Oral Health

You might have heard that you have your father’s eyes or your grandmother’s sense of humor. Maybe you know what diseases or medical concerns run in your family. But do you know what dental conditions…

Woman thinking of sedative filling

What is a Sedative Filling?

It’s always unfortunate when a tooth has decayed so much that it needs to be restored by a dentist, but there are many options to save your tooth!

Woman and child after tongue scraping

Tongue Scraping—What it is and What it Could do for Your Oral Hygiene

At every dental appointment, dental patients are reminded of the importance of their at-home oral hygiene practices: Brush your teeth, floss, rinse and so on. Everyone knows the basics, but have you…