how often to replace your toothbrush

How Often Should You Replace Your Toothbrush?

We've all heard that the pen is mightier than the sword. You might also say that the toothbrush is mightier than the drill! That's because if you wield your toothbrush properly, it's a very powerful…

info about dental implants

Be Sure to Use Your Dental Benefits Every Year

If you have dental insurance, your insurance company provides you with certain dental benefits each year. In case you're not very familiar with insurance vocabulary, you can think of an insurance…

use insurance benefits to save money on dental care

If You Have Insurance, Your Cleanings Are Free!

We know many dental patients find the ins & outs of dental insurance confusing, but if you have dental insurance the most important thing for you to know is that you get two free cleanings per…

teddy bear dentists providing gentle dental care

The Many Ways We Provide Gentle Dental Care

When we talk to patients about dentistry, one of the main concerns they bring up is whether the dental care they receive will be gentle. As dentists, our main concern of course is your health, but we…

young patient at a pediatric dentist

Finding a Dentist for Your Kids

If you're looking to find the right dentist & establish a "dental home" for your family, you may wonder what the difference is between a pediatric dentist (a.k.a. a kids' dentist) & a general…

creating dental caps or crowns

Dental Crowns 101

Dental crowns, or caps, are one of the most common restorative dental procedures that dentists perform. If you've been told you need a crown, there's no reason to worry. Dental crowns allow us to…

woman wondering about going to periodontist

What's a Periodontist & Why Do I Need One?

You're used to going to the dentist & just seeing the doctor, the hygienist & maybe a dental assistant. But now you've been told you need to see a periodontist too. Now you're thinking,…

dentist and patient discussing tooth extraction

Reasons for Tooth Extraction

Tooth extraction is when a tooth is removed from it's place in the gum & bone of your jaw. Compared to many dental procedures, tooth extraction can sound scary, especially when it's referred to…

seniors with dental implants experience no bone loss

The Vital Reasons Why You Should Replace Missing Teeth

The goal of modern dentistry is for each & every patient to keep all their teeth for their entire lifetime. As dental health awareness & dental technology have advanced over the last half…

Porcelain Veneers Can Give You a Hollywood Smile

Have you ever looked at a celebrity smile & wished your smile could be equally perfect. Well, it's no big secret among dentists that most Hollywood stars were not born with perfect teeth. For…