What Are Mouthguards?
There are two categories of mouthguards with two different purposes that you can get from your dentist. Mouthguards for sports are intended to prevent injury. Mouthguards worn while sleeping are…
Signs of a Cavity
Cavities, or tooth decay, is a fairly common dental ailment, particularly in children or young adults. Even though most of our patients are familiar with what cavities are, we find that many are…
If You Have Insurance, Your Cleanings Are Free!
We know many dental patients find the ins & outs of dental insurance confusing, but if you have dental insurance the most important thing for you to know is that you get two free cleanings per…
Porcelain Veneers Can Give You a Hollywood Smile
Have you ever looked at a celebrity smile & wished your smile could be equally perfect. Well, it's no big secret among dentists that most Hollywood stars were not born with perfect teeth. For…
Your Step-by-Step Guide to Teeth Whitening at the Dentist
The professional teeth whitening process starts with a consultation with your dentist. Not everyone is a good candidate for teeth whitening, which is why you want to talk to a dentist before you have…
The Purpose of a Dental Post
Just like a post you place when building a fence, a dental post is intended to keep something stable and in place—in this case, a tooth. From a basic description, you might think a dental post and a…
Choosing Among the Different Types of Dental Practices
Most patients, especially those in suburban areas near cities, have two choices for the types of dental practices they can go to. There are classic privately-owned practices, which are small…
The Importance of Caring for Baby Teeth
There is nothing as charming and precious as a child's happy smile. Unfortunately, we find that some parents and caregivers think of baby teeth (also known as milk teeth) as disposable.
What Is a Deep Cleaning?
Most dental patients come into the office twice a year for a teeth cleaning. However, some patients are told that they need to get a deep cleaning instead, and that they need to see us more often…
The Star-Studded History of Veneers
If your teeth are cracked, stained, or otherwise damaged, cosmetic dentistry can greatly improve the appearance of your smile. Dentists use crowns, bridges, implants, onlays and veneers for smile…