Little boy smiling and showing off a lost tooth.

Reasons to Keep Baby Teeth

When children lose their baby teeth, it’s momentous for both child &…

Tooth for Sale

John Lennon’s Tooth

You may say that he’s a dreamer, but one dentist is on a mission to clone John…

The Tyrannosaurus Rex

The largest teeth ever

Here are some of the species with the largest teeth in the world, both extinct…

Dog and Woman Smiling for Selfie

Pets Need Dental Care, Too

Dental care is an important part of our lives, but did you know that it’s…

Tooth Decorating

Decorating Teeth Through the Ages

The practice of decorating teeth has been around for millennia & spans…

Dental Math

A dentist’s work adds up to a lot of math

It may not seem like math plays a critical role in dentistry, but as with most…

Mother and child smiling

The Difference Between Baby Teeth & Permanent Teeth

Most of us lost the last of our baby teeth years ago, but have you ever thought…

Smiling Woman With Clean Teeth

Why a Dental Cleaning Is Not Just a Teeth Cleaning

Dental cleaning appointments have more than one benefit to patients. Like a spa…

Smiling man using dental floss

What's Your Floss Made Of?

You may know of dental floss as an essential part of your dental hygiene…

Smiling woman with gum and breath mints

The Truth About Breath Mints

Many people use breath mints to keep their breath fresh throughout the day, but…