woman bad at brushing teeth

Even More Ways You're Brushing Your Teeth Wrong

As something we all do every day, it might be surprising that many people do…

girl thinking about wisdom tooth pain

What to Do About Wisdom Tooth Pain

Wisdom tooth pain is a fairly common complaint and is often the result of these…

cheese prevents tooth decay

Strengthen Your Teeth With Cheese

As a dental patient, you may be more used to hearing which foods are bad for…

older woman with dentures

Dentures for Newbies

Getting your first set of dentures can be a life-changing experience...for the…

important dental symptoms

Three Dental Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

Your mouth has many ways of letting you know that something has changed or may…

fixing tooth discoloration

Interpreting the Rainbow of Tooth Stain Colors

While tooth stains don't come in all the colors of the rainbow, they come in a…

bad habits cause toothaches

Three Bad Habits That Are Terrible for Your Teeth

Anyone who has been around babies and toddlers knows that tiny humans use their…

benefits of charcoal teeth whitening

Do Charcoal Teeth Whitening Products Work?

Every few years a new dental care fad pops up and we dentists and hygienists…

prevent bad breath prevent tooth decay

Three Ways to Prevent Bad Breath

Bad breath can be a notoriously sneaky and therefore embarrassing issue. You…

dentists graduating from dental school

What Does It Take to Be a Dentist?

As a patient, you may wonder exactly what qualifications you need in order to…